How Do I Order Online?

Rochelle Enright

Last Update 3 years ago

Already have a smartcard for a Genesearch e.Freezer? You can already order online! 

Just go to our Catalogue page and log in using your smartcard number (not name) and your usual e.Freezer smartcard password. This is like an e.Freezer on your desk! Your e.Freezer will email you to let you know when the items you have ordered are ready to be collected (some might be shipped directly to you) and you will be billed in your standard monthly e.Freezer invoice. What could be simpler?

Is there an e.Freezer nearby?

If you have access to an e.Freezer nearby but you don’t yet have an e.Freezer smartcard, you should consider getting one: 

  • 10% discount off all PCR Biosystems and CST products
  • free shipping
  • 24 hour access every day of the week (subject to institutional security policies) 
To find out more about the benefits of using e.Freezer, click here.

Applying for an e.Freezer smartcard is simple: Visit our Catalogue page and use the REGISTER button to complete the online form. We will shoot you an email with your login details once your card has been approved. 

Note: You will need to provide the contact details of your supervisor, accounts department or other person with the authority to approve purchases.

Register for a web account

If you don’t have access to an e.Freezer, you can order online once you have a web account. Visit our Catalogue page and use the REGISTER button to apply. We will send you an email when your web account has been linked to your customer account and you can start placing orders online! 

Note: To place orders using a web account you will need either an official purchase order number from your institution or to pay online with your credit card (MasterCard or Visa) when placing your order.

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